4 simple ways to combat quarantine fatigue

We are approximately six months into #quarantinelife, and there’s no question about it—”quarantine fatigue” has relentlessly permeated our lives, and we’re all feeling it to some level of varying degrees. As our homes, typically a place for rest and relaxation, have transformed into our sole place of where we live, work, educate our kids, and have date nights, we’ve grown exhausted with the emotional stressors that accompany this “new normal”. We may experience feeling physically drained, a lack of motivation or interest, or the need to work longer hours for whatever reason—and as a result of that, the threat of burnout lingers (if we’re not already there). Physically being in the same environment, practically 24/7, can leave us feeling tense, irritable, and anxious. For all, the loss of our pre-quarantine sense of freedom can be downright frustrating amidst all the uncertainties, canceled plans, and missing our loved ones who live afar. And when exactly does this all end? Umm, no one knows.
Fortunately, one of the many silver linings at LeaseLabs is that we continue to show our support for each other as we navigate through these challenges day by day because #togetherwemakeithappen. But how exactly do we fight “quarantine fatigue” when our individual circumstances are so unique?
While there are many informative blogs with tons of practical advice out there, we’ll be honing in more on a specific core component of our individual selves that directly influences the way we experience our reality: the way we think. In order to conquer quarantine fatigue, you must first conquer your mindset. This will be the ultimate key to not only beat the funk but help you gain a sense of control in your life. Here are 4 simple ways to combat that dreaded quarantine fatigue:
1. watch your words
This can be the hardest to do, which is why we listed it first. Changing your perspective can make the most significant difference in how we perceive our experience during quarantine, and we can start with the words we use.
Instead of using “I have to” statements, use “I get to” statements:
- “I have to work at home.” –> “I get to work at home.”
- “I have to work out at home.” –> “I get to work out at home.”
- “I have to share a workspace with my partner.” –> “I get to share a workspace with my partner.”
Pay attention to what you say, and you’ll start to notice certain habits you’ve been forming that you’ll need to undo. The trick is to vocalize the “I get to” statements with genuine conviction. You need to actually believe what you’re saying. If you’re ready to level-up, try saying it with a smile! No, really, try it. When you smile, your brain automatically releases dopamine, endorphins, and serotonin—amazing little neurotransmitters that are associated with lowering your anxiety and increasing feelings of happiness. Smile even when you don’t feel like it. It sounds silly, but the science is there.
“Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.” – Wayne Dyer.
2. practice gratitude
Using the same examples above, find ways to appreciate what we might otherwise take for granted.
- I have to work at home –> I get to work at home, AND I’m grateful I don’t have to sit in traffic today.
- I have to work out at home –> I get to work out at home, AND I’m grateful to have a healthy body capable of doing so.
- I have to share a workspace with my partner –> I get to share a workspace with my partner AND have more frequent lunch dates!
OK, you get the picture.
When we acknowledge the good happening in our lives, we attract more positive experiences. Wake up in the morning and give thanks to the day that hasn’t happened yet because it is wide open with unlimited possibilities. Jot down 3-5 things you’re grateful for each night in a gratitude journal. This is great for reflecting on the day and affirming the good in it. Feel the sense of gratitude in the present as much possible throughout your day. When practicing gratitude becomes second nature to you, your reality will slowly but surely morph into a more positive one.
3. get out of your head
Find something else to care about other than life’s inconveniences right now—whether that’s a good cause, a personal passion project, a plant, or anything else that can provide a new sense of purpose for you. Adding an extra “responsibility” might seem counter-productive to reducing stress, but this allows us to redirect and release some of the stagnant energy that accumulates when you start feeling like Bill Murray in Groundhog’s Day. You may find a spark that ignites a fresh outlook on how your day is going!
At LeaseLabs, we gave back to the community for a full month while staying at home through our Joining Together June Program. Read more about what our team had to say about our philanthropic initiative here!
4. get back in your head
And by this, we mean meditation. Put simply, meditation is a practice that trains the mind and allows us to see our thoughts and emotions in a non-judgmental way. There is an extensive list of benefits to meditation, which include but are not limited to: increasing calmness and clarity, finding awareness, reducing stress, increasing creativity and productivity, and achieving peace. Meditation also brings us back to the present moment so that future worries aren’t lingering in our heads all day.
The best thing about meditation is that there is no prerequisite skill required. Anyone can do it, and it can be done anywhere. There’s no right or wrong way to meditate, either. There are many types of meditation, such as mindfulness meditation, focused meditation, or guided meditation. What’s important is that it feels comfortable, and you’re encouraged to continue practicing.
Set aside time to make this a part of your daily routine. As little as ten minutes a day can make a big difference. At LeaseLabs, we offer group and individual meditation sessions to our employees to help bring some zen back in their day through our culture initiative called ZenLabs!
Now take a deep breath and get ready to break out of quarantine fatigue!
about the author:
Krissy Fernandez is our Human Experience Manager at LeaseLabs by RealPage. Her primary mission is to ensure each employee has the most positive and meaningful experiences throughout their journey and feel empowered to reach their highest potential. She is the creator and facilitator of Voices of Culture, a diverse group of culture ambassadors with a unified mission to advocate for our employees, share feedback and ideas, and work together behind-the-scenes to continually enhance our company culture and employee experience.
When Krissy isn’t helping people grow, she’s growing plants in her urban jungle in downtown San Diego. She also runs “Not Just a Pretty Plant” promoting self-care inspired by plant care.
At LeaseLabs, we convert the broken, disjointed customer journey into a single unified strategy. Our products are your multichannel marketing solution with only one goal in mind: driving qualified traffic directly to your website so you can convert leads to leases at a much higher rate.