5 essential webcasts for multifamily marketers right now

With the state of the pandemic evolving into a new stage including rising vaccination numbers and decreasing daily cases, multifamily marketers are met with yet another set of challenges to move forward in 2021. Making the right decision for your brand and your business is crucial in this time of cancel-culture, the return to the workplace, and the reopening of society across the country and world. LeaseLabs is constantly leveraging our data and relationships to provide strategic updates keeping you informed and one step ahead of market challenges. Webcasts (or webinars) have proven to be a very effective channel for interactive and informational experiences as we work together to meet the demands of our ever-changing industry.
As part of the RealPage family, LeaseLabs presents multiple webcasts every quarter in order to provide insights and data to make your decision-making a little bit easier. The webcasts range from 30 minutes to an hour, and they are packed with customer interviews, subject matter experts, and new strategies for you to consider for your apartment marketing plans. Once a webcast has aired live, the episode is then available for you to access any time – something we call OnDemand viewing.
Our team has identified 3 webcasts that are extremely relevant and helpful for moving forward in the current state of business for multifamily marketers. You can access them for free OnDemand at your convenience using the links below. Ready, set, GO!
enhance the prospect experience – attracting: finding the right prospects
Discover a powerful toolset of Branding and Marketing Strategies proven to effectively and efficiently attract better prospects.
This webcast discusses the shift in mindset from simply attracting prospects to attracting “the right” prospects. Hear from RealPage experts as they discuss effective Branding and Marketing Strategies designed to help you efficiently manage your marketing budgets to create higher quality leads and higher lease conversions.
We’ll focus on four key aspects behind attracting the best prospects:
- Refresh: Adjusting Your Brand & Message with Lessons Learned
- We’ll dive into what’s behind a Brand Refresh and what you should be thinking about when it comes to your brand post-pandemic. We’ll also look at lessons learned from the pandemic for multifamily brands and how to apply them moving forward.
- Calibrate: How to Synchronize Your Marketing Channels & Spend for Precision
- What opportunities can you tap into with paid media? Specifically, we look at search trends and how to overcome targeting obstacles. And we touch on organic media and how to leverage user-generated content to convert engagement to actual leads.
- Captivate: Creating an Immersive Web Experience that Works Harder For You
- Are you using the best possible toolset? Property websites using PropertyPhotos™ assets have been proven to regularly outperform their competition. The right blend of digital assets—including tours, photography, floorplans, video, etc.—can increase engagement and better qualify your applicants.
- Capture: Delivering Better Business Results=
- Which channels optimize Lifetime Renter Value and which provide more immediate ROI? Here we take a deeper look into emerging AI Chat technologies and how they’re improving the overall prospect experience.
now available OnDemand
the data-driven marketer: future proof your 2021 strategy
For marketers, 2021 presents unique challenges and opportunities in figuring out the best ways to engage with prospects and residents. There are stricter regulations and more solutions than ever throughout the industry—with unrealistic promises causing lackluster results at a high price.
So how do we ensure our properties are found online by the right renters? How has their journey changed since 2020? And which digital sources are the most efficient when it comes to marketing spend and operational efficiency?
Join Brock MacLean, SVP of Business Development at LeaseLabs® by RealPage®, Richard Hughes, SVP of Data Science at RealPage, and special guest Kristen Fox, Strategic Partner Manager at Google, as we explore shifts in consumer trends, extrapolate the search landscape, and explore how you can accelerate your multifamily marketing strategy with data-driven insights.
Discussion topics include:
- Shifts in apartment marketing trends and renter behavior
- How to utilize data for a targeted marketing strategy
- Compliance hurdles and innovative options
- AI prospect targeting & predictive analytics
- Which lead sources are the highest quality and cost-efficient
now available OnDemand
perceptions matter: connecting reputation with revenue
What is your portfolio’s reputation worth? Is it possible to measure residents’ perceptions of your communities and correlate that to asset performance—no matter the asset class? What can you do to improve your online reputation scores—and drive more yield?
Join our panel of RealPage® industry and data science experts as they explore answers to these questions and others in this revealing webcast.
They will examine the results of a recently completed three-year study by RealPage and J Turner Research and provide details on:
- Data clearly establishing a correlation between asset performance and changes in a property’s ORA™ (Online Reputation Assessment) score
- The impact of unforeseen shortcomings in your online reputation
- The tools you need to execute an effective reputation strategy
- Learn the findings, discover the impact of a positive online reputation, and get actionable insights into the steps you can take now to improve your ORA score—and potentially grow asset performance across your portfolio.
now available OnDemand
what’s driving 2021’s crazy hot rental market?
One year after COVID-19 lockdowns temporarily shut down most leasing activities, the U.S. rental housing market is suddenly on an unprecedented hot streak. Industry veterans say they haven’t seen anything like this in decades. The streak in the for-sale housing market has now reached the rental housing market—for apartments and single-family rentals. Both occupancy and rent growth across the country will likely hit record highs in the coming months. Many individual metros have already broken records, with dozens now posting double-digit rent hikes.
What is driving the craziness and how long can this wild ride continue? Join RealPage VP and Deputy Chief Economist Jay Parsons and Chief Economist Greg Willett for this timely webcast. They’ll share the latest trends, explain what’s driving the big numbers, discuss the latest outlook, and address burning questions that include:
- What’s behind the big demand for rentals and how long can it continue?
- How did rent growth levels accelerate so quickly in so many markets?
- What markets and product classes are leading the way—and which are still lagging?
- Has the hot streak spread to hard-hit coastal gateway cities and downtown neighborhoods?
- How much further can this wild ride go and what headwinds might slow it down?
- What will be the impact on apartment development and acquisition trends in 2021?
Link: https://www.realpage.com/webcasts/2021-crazy-hot-rental-market/
now available OnDemand
21 must-have strategic insights for 2021 – insight #15: take back control of your brand
Standard lead generation offers limited control over brand positioning and limited visibility into results.
Investing in focused, science-based marketing that can more efficiently target the right audience, timing, presence and content gives you maximum ROI at every point in the renter’s digital journey to your property.
Link: https://www.realpage.com/videos/take-control-of-your-brand/